What Does Direct Mail Really Deliver? 

DM or direct mail is both one of the oldest forms of marketing and one of the most underestimated. Whilst many understand the results that are possible with online marketing, a large number of people often underestimate just how important direct mail can be in elevating your success with new customers.

Everyone knows the point of DM is to deliver your company’s message in the most direct way possible, but there are many other key reasons as to why it’s such a vital tool for any business wanting to achieve more.

So, how does direct mail really deliver?

1. High response rates: 

When you’ve got a well targeted DM campaign, the response rates can compete with and even exceed the acquisition and retention of digital campaigns. Of course, RR’s are industry and product specific, but direct mail recruitment campaigns can regularly achieve conversion rates of 3% – 4%, and for winback campaigns they can even get you rates as high as 20%!

2. Increased AOVs:

Digital marketing might seem like the most popular method of attracting customers, but we conducted some of our own research and found that clients recruited via offline methods spend an average of 34% more when compared to clients who were attracted via digital methods. 

3. Greater CLVs:

Once those customers were brought in via direct mail, they were on average 31% more likely to make a second purchase. Which means creating a client base of loyal, returning customers. 

Vivere brochures examples for the What Does Direct Mail Really Deliver insight article.

4. Attracting new customers:

Due to the nature of direct mail, this tool really opens up your pool of potential customers. It’s not just the ‘grey market’ that’s often associated with DM – when you’re targeting the data correctly, you’re able to tap in with a whole new group of ages, genders and overall audiences in a way that really connects with them.

5. Staying GDPR compliant whilst reaching a wider audience:

We all know how important it is to keep your data accurate and make sure that you’re keeping within GDPR rules. But once those details are checked, you’re able to communicate with a much wider client base compared to email marketing. Through emails you can only send your marketing to clients that have actively subscribed to them. Whereas direct mail can be sent to anyone with a potential ‘legitimate interest’ in what you’re offering. Which means you’re able to connect with new people you might not have otherwise been able to reach.

6. Greater Proven Results:

Thorough matchback reports allow you to not only prove every impact your campaign has had on your business’ success, but it can show you the finer details such as: number of clients won, response rates, CPAs, ROIs, CLVs and even the amount of views generated. Whatever the goal of your campaign is, through direct mail we can prove the performance and make it easier to improve the results. 

Every business, industry, audience and campaign is completely unique, with differences that are important to understand. Here at JHET we pride ourselves on taking offline marketing to the next level: providing you with the results that can transform your business, whilst helping you create sustainable offline success. So if you’ve been considering adding direct mail to your marketing techniques, we can help you understand your goals on a deeper level, understand your audience better and create successful campaigns. Book in for a free consultation call with us today and we’ll create an approach that’s suited to you and your unique business. 

Andy Brookes

I specialise in Graphic Design, Website Design, Brand Identity and Advertising.

Working alongside clients, I help them turn visions and ideas in to designs and realities, which subsequently elevate their position within the marketplace.


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